that, if we could get rooms at Ulvick we woud le veleave
Stalheim and go on. As nothing much to do here except look at the views ndand
CLIMB about. Had the usual hearyhearty
laden SmorgesbrodSmorgasbord
-but this time with nohest to goodness electric toaster- so we had TOAST. We strolled around and went into the 'pill box" the Germans had built in a spot overlooking everything. Peeked into the so called museum- three little wooden houses grass roofs. filled with old wooden farm shovels, , buckets etc.It wou ldwould
notbe open until 11 and anyway we have, by now, seen a number of these museums and somemverysome very
fine ones. Sat on the terrace and talked with Mrs. Maxwell- Mr Clothier was out for a walk with three sturdy English girl girls.These girls walked 7 miles yesterday So we departed with a lunch, about noon. Southward. Huge blue busses were continuely wheeling up to the hotel before we left. Some having met the steamers and others coming over the roads from quite some distance. Along by the edge of the fjoydfjord
we stopped to fish and to have outour
lunch. The lunch was HORRIBLE bad meat. I hope we don't catch anything from the one bite.Also no, fish. But a lovely place near some low water falls. But the little Sunkist oranges were all right Doodle on left side of page depicting a red bus with a person standing in front of it. I my pocket I had some crackers snitched_from the breaffastbreakfast
2 o'clock stopped to photograph the beautiful Twindefoss Falls. I thi nk Twin Falls'!!F omFrom
here 45 kilometres to Ulvick.The distances arare
not great but the roads are narrow and winding- so one drives slowly therefore to go a few miles takes awhile To the right depicts two figures fishing with the caption:"Gail and Otto fish" To the left depicts three figures with rakes People in the fields raking up the hay. They do it three in a row and rake in unison. Smart , Voss, where we turned South. Quite a town Many neat new cement buildings and some industries. Snow ploughs along the road sides all neatly painted- ready for the winter. SmallchildrenSmall children
on skis 2 to 3 years start to praticepractice
First heythey
just stand on ghemthem
then take a few slides etc S uthSouth
from Voss passing a sort of minig project. WE stopped to ask about it. Slate for the roofs.